Friday, August 25, 2006

Barney's Penis

Barney Isn't Neutered

There's really nothing to say here except...



Wednesday, August 23, 2006

As cool as an ipod?

From slashdot

a discussion of an upgraded mp3 player from sandisk:
Person 1:ya but....nothing will EVER be as cool as an ipod.

Person 2:How about Bruce Willis on a hoverboard listening to bootleg OGGs of
George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic on a homemade altoids-tin
music player, kissing Salma Hayek, and fighting Christopher Walken,
Jet Li, the Rock, and an army of robot sharks with rocket-packs?

Person 1: almost, but the ipod still has a scroll wheel.


Do Not Call

Is the do not call list working?

So says yahoo:
Currently, 76% of Americans are signed up, meaning the number of victims a tele-intruder can bother, er, sell to, has fallen drastically. In fact, 87% of those who registered report getting fewer calls.

76%. Thats fantastic!
Now, maybe, we can get a Do Not Spam list?


Rose Tyler: Earth Defence

Rose Tyler: Earth Defence

(a little more from Cinescape this morning)
"It was actually commissioned by the controller of BBC One and budgeted," series creator Russell T Davies told Doctor Who magazine, according to a report on the BBC Web site. But Davies later decided that the show, Rose Tyler: Earth Defence, was "a spinoff too far" and called it off.

a spinoff too far
(I really do love Rose)


Garth Ennis: The Boys

Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson Talk About "The Boys"

...the book is really about: the effect superheroes would have on society and history, if they really existed. And, of course, the effect that politics and corporate backing would have on them.

What...another one?
No, I'm not really bitching. Given that superhero comics can use just about any title that isn't strictly about bashing badguys, I'll take it.
The tone of Garth's comment just sounds as if he thinks this is the first comic of it's kind. And thats just not true.
Hells Bells, Garth, Booster frickin' Gold beat you to the corporate backing thing!

But I'll probably buy the trade


Armor Of God

I'm not sure if I should laugh or get a set.
I mean...I'm pro any set of +3 pajamas I can get my hands on.


Friday, August 18, 2006



my review late tonight or early tomorrow.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Squirrel quite bomber....

Crazed squirrel ransacks house

Press Association
Wednesday August 16, 2006

Guardian Unlimited
A family today told how a squirrel went berserk and trashed their house after falling down their chimney.

Retired engineer Alan White, 67, and his wife Janice, 65, came home from a weekend away to find their lounge had been ransacked, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage.

The couple initially feared burglars had broken into their home in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, but the culprit was found to be a squirrel which had left sooty paw prints all over the room.

The trapped rodent had tried chewing through the window frames and tore the curtain and settee to shreds in a desperate bid to escape.

The couple's 38-year-old son found the lifeless body of the squirrel behind the settee.

"Once we realised that we looked more carefully for damage and saw the settee, which was quite a nice one, had been ripped and gnawed," said Mr White.

"Of course, the squirrel had been covered in soot falling down the chimney and everything, even the light on the ceiling, had been covered with soot by him.

"The curtains on both sides of the window had been torn to shreds and he had torn a big hole in the carpet."

Mr White said he and his wife had been to the International Balloon Fiesta in Bristol with their grandson Shaun, 13, and were greeted by the scene of carnage when they arrived back.

"There were pot plants and ornaments strewn across the room and we immediately thought someone had broken in. But my wife pointed out that the doors were still locked," he added.

Mr White said the squirrel had even tried to chew its way through the aluminium frame of the patio doors.

The family are relieved that the lounge doors were closed, preventing the trapped creature from running amok around their entire house.

The couple have been in contact with their insurance firm about the damage, and the lounge will have to be completely redecorated after the squirrel's rampage.

Mr White said he was now thinking about getting a chimney cowl fitted.

An RSPCA spokesman said the incident was very unusual. "We've heard of birds getting into houses but never a squirrel getting down a chimney. It's unfortunate for the family - and the squirrel," he said.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Getting Bigger Boobies Can Save Your Life

'nuff said


Knights Of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

I loved Knights Of The Old Republic.
A fantastic game, fun characters and dialog, and, of course, great force powers.
More so, you get to be evil.
I loved being evil.
My favorite part?
*inviso text*

making the wookie kill his friend

*end inviso text*

So last weekend, I bought KOTOR II: The Sith Lords.
This game is HUGE! I mean, it just never frickin' ended!
And that was just fine by me. I could never do enough evil.
It did get tiring, though...I mean, you'd finish a good 8 hour session and think, wearily:
But...but tomorrow there is still going to be more evil to do.

I may have to go back and play KOTOR again to really compare the two, but this game
felt more subtle, deeper in many ways. Especially the plot which wove in a good deal
of economics and politics.
The only downside was the ending. The last 'quest' just felt very abrupt, and the ending
was unsatisfying. A quick search shows that Obsidian (the developers) were pushed by
LucasArts to meet an XMas deadline so they cut the ending short, and left out lots of
other material. Apparently the basics for this stuff is still in the code and is being assembled
by people at Team Gizka. I'll be there.

Anyhow, big thumbs up, overall.
I think I'll go play Shadow Of The Colossus.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Treehouse as a secret lair

Our New Secret Lair

(yes, my secret HQ is now a secret lair)


Smanuel L. Jackson on Snakes On A Plane

Samuel L Jackson interview about SOAP!

SAMUEL L. JACKSON: No! Hell, no! You want the snake hit! You want to see it. You have two people goin' to screw in a bathroom on a plane and you know that there are some snakes on there... you know that when that tit comes out, you want to see a snake on that tit! At some point you gonna go, "Man, I know a snake's going to show up somewhere... and hopefully that snake's going to be on that tit!"


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Toast Song


I'll be the last to say there's much redeeming about myspace, but you gotta hear this song!


Paris Hilton Celibate

The End Of An Era?

My favorite part:
The Hilton Hotels heir and uber-socialite told the magazine she is "very shy" and relates to the late Princess Diana, who was hounded by photographers.

I'm not sure what she's saying here. Is Paris saying that she feels like a person who used their fame and money to help those less fortunate, or is she calling Princess Di a media whore?
